


Suigintou is the first doll of the Rozen Maiden. Her desire to win the Alice Game is the strongest of all the Rozen Maiden, and is primarily driven by her wish to meet "Father". Sadistic, spiteful, and arrogant (all as a result of her spectacular inferiority complex), Suigintou has no inhibitions in the Alice Game. She will use any method possible, regardless of how cruel they are, to win. She has a particular dislike of Shinku, her rival, and can approximate how many hours and minutes it has been since they last fought.
In the first season, Suigintou's emotions and will are so enduring that she can move and fight without the spiritual aid of a medium. She is against the use of one not only because of her strong sense of independence, but also due to her disdain towards humanity. Along with her artificial spirit, Meimei, Suigintou's weapons are her ragged black wings. With their feathers, she can conjure up two dragons as well as a large sword. Her wings also serve as shields when necessary. Suigintou can also utilize destructive blue flames in battle, and this seems to be her most vicious attack.
She is the first doll to be created in both the anime and manga, and as such, has unique physical imperfections. In the anime, she is missing a torso; Shinku explains at one point that before Suigintou was completed, her design was erased, but gives no further explanation as to why or how. Curiously, after Suigintou is destroyed in battle by Shinku, she is restored mid-way through Traumend. It is unknown by whom she is restored or whether or not she has been given a torso, but in the Traumend finale, Rozen is seen lovingly tying the ribbon at her neck. Rozen has told Suigintou that even with her flawed body, she still has an opportunity to become Alice. In the manga, her wings (notably, she is the only Rozen Maiden with them) have ravaged her back with cracks. These imperfections have caused some to call her "Junk", and much of her life revolves around demonstrating that this is not the case. However, upon meeting Megu, her attitude and motivations are beginning to shift. Suigintou is slowly beginning to show affection, and even hopes to use the other doll's Rosa Mysticae to heal Megu of her heart ailment.

(from Wikipedia)



Hina-Ichigo is the sixth doll, and the very embodiment of childishness. Although she can be ridiculously naive and selfish, Hina-Ichigo never has anything but the best intentions for those that she cares about. Her disposition is also a mismatch for her tremendous power, which is a series of attacks based on strawberry vines. Shinku defeats her (through Hina-Ichigo's own selfishness by exhausting Tomoe's energy) in the Alice Game, becoming the first doll to lose the ability to become Alice in the Alice Game. However, Shinku did not rob her of her ability to move. Instead, Shinku let herself to be the inter-medium to allow Hina-Ichigo to tap into Jun's power. However, in the later part of Season 2, with the beginning of the Alice Game in earnest, "Father" cut off this link. Therefore, when Hina-Ichigo used up her remaining powers, her Rosa Mystica is lost to Shinku, becoming second doll to lose her Rosa Mystica. Her favorite foods are "Unyuu" - which is actually strawberry daifuku - and Nori's "Flowery Hamburger", a dish that consists of a hamburger patty topped with a flower-shaped egg. She usually ends her sentences in "na no", complimentary to Kanaria's "kashira." (Hina Ichigo ends with "na no" which, in Japanese, is part of the phrase "na no desu," meaning "that's why" or "because," while "kashira" means "I wonder?" or "Maybe?")
In the manga, Hina-Ichigo is destroyed/consumed by Kirakishou. She sends her Rosa Mystica to Shinku through Berrybell, asking Shinku to use it to end the Alice Game.
In the anime, Hina-Ichigo's singing, as well as most of her quarreling with Suiseiseki, are actually ad-libbed by her seiyū, Sakura Nogawa (with Natsuko Kuwatani in the quarreling scenes).

(from Wikipedia)