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Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon

ChibiChibi is a fictional character in the fifth and final season of the Sailor Moon series. She is estimated to be about two years old, and can't really talk yet, though she knows a few simple words and likes to repeat what other people say (to learn how to talk). In the anime, she mostly says "chibi," hence her nickname.

Her pink hair is always seen put up in two heart shaped odango, with little ringlets sticking out the sides. She is first seen in the manga, floating to earth using an umbrella as a parachute, saying "Chibi chibi!"

In both stories, ChibiChibi ends up with the responsibility of protecting Princess Kakyuu. In the manga she transforms into Sailor ChibiChibi and carries a heart scepter with what looks like a planetary ring around it which she uses to defend herself and Sailor Moon. In the anime she can also transform into a Sailor Senshi, Sailor ChibiChibi Moon. She does not appear to have an attack phrase as the other senshi do.

When Tokyopop announced it was translating the 'Stars' arc of the Sailor Moon manga, ChibiChibi's English name was initially RiRi (an abbreviation of ChibiUsa's dub name, Rini), though this idea was soon dropped.

(from Wikipedia)


Sailor Neptune

Michiru transforms into Sailor Neptune. She uses ocean-based attacks (not just water), and carries the Deep Aqua Mirror, which is one of three Talismans carried by the Outer Senshi. She takes a black-and-white approach to her role as a soldier, one shared by Sailor Uranus, who is virtually always at her side. Her senshi uniform is sea-green and deep blue, and her shoes resemble heeled ballet slippers. Her gloves extend only to mid-forearm.

(from Wikipedia)